Chef of the Month - Kimberley Brewser

This month I interviewed Swindon based cake baker extraordinaire Kimberley Brewser about all things sweet and celebratory. 

Kimberley made a damn good point - cakes are synonymous with good times. Birthdays, celebrations, parties, new beginnings, milestones...  and vegans have plenty to celebrate. After all, we're kind of saving the world here. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

So we need cake! Shop bought cake inevitably has some kind of animal product in it, but Kimberley bakes dairy free, delicious cakes and cupcakes to order. If you live in or around Swindon you can commission Kimberley for your next partaaaaaay. 

Follow Kimberley on Instagram here. Her journey to veganism is detailed in the article below. 

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