Meet: Adam Stansbury | The Plant Powered PT

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Adam in the gym.jpg

I found Adam through the power of a Google search for two things. I needed a Personal Trainer, but not one who was going to tell me to get protein from whey and steaks. I needed a PT who was also a V.

I asked the Google Gods for a ‘vegan personal trainer’ and bam - there’s my man. Adam, The Plant Powered PT, helped me leap out of a fitness rut. (Doing the same thing every day and wondering why I wasn’t getting different results, which I do believe is the definition of insanity, whoops.) Our sessions were conducted via phone calls, messages and Adam’s app. He curated the workouts for me (accounting for my bad back, wrist and knee) and the accompanying meals are delicious and nutritious.

He taught me so much about fitness and nutrition, ‘Adam says…’ became a common start to a sentence in my house. In fact, everything Adam taught me I still implement to this day - two years on. The man is an encyclopedia of plant powered personal training. Good thing he calls himself the Plant Powered PT!

He lives in Ibiza now, from where he shares photos of smoothie bowls, his new favourite fitness challenge of crawling and his more spiritual musings on how he and we all can grow, learn, develop and feed our souls. If you’re in need of a PT, Adam is your man. He changed my life (and my abs). This is his vibe:


So, Meet the Vegan, Meet Adam!

Q ~ Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?
A ~ My london crew of friends that started in 2005, we’ve known each other a long time and shared many parties over the years but have now spread out across the globe so a friends reunited dinner party would be awesome, they always were/are!

 Q ~ What would you serve at this VIP (Vegan Important People) dinner party of dreams?
A ~ I’d ask Derek Sarno to cook his amazing mushroom steaks and have Heston Blumenthal overseeing the magic and creativity of the night.

 Q ~ What do you wish people knew about veganism?

A ~ How easy and simple it really is to live and eat!

 Q ~ What does veganism mean to you?

A ~ Reducing the trauma and suffering that my life choices leave behind.

 Q ~ Is there anything you dislike about being vegan?

A ~ The label, the pressure and the self-righteousness it can create in a lot of people.

 Q ~ Have you ever questioned your decision?

A ~ Yes, about 2 months after I went vegan in Jan 2015, I’d lost 3kg and I wasn’t looking great, it did coincide with other work and life pressures at the time plus it was cold and flu season, but I remembered thinking a few times, “what if this doesn’t agree with my body?”

 Q ~ Are you aware of any others going vegan or eating fewer animal products inspired by you?

A ~ Well it is what I do for a living now so there have been many friends, clients and people on social media that have told me how much I’ve helped and inspired since 2014 but for me the two most notable ones that have been great examples of how the ripple effect works are: 

  1. Tom McGillycuddy who was an online client and who became one of my best friends. After going vegan he went on to co-found Circa5000 - an ethical and impact investing platform and app.

  2. Cem Yildiz, a good friend who myself and Tom took to the London vegan raw food restaurant ‘The Wild Food Cafe’ just after Tom had gone vegan. Cem wasn’t that impressed that night but then a couple of months later went vegan and co-founded the incredibly successful vegan doner kebab brand ‘WhatThePitta’.

 Q ~ If we should all follow one brilliant vegan Instagram account, who should it be?

A ~ Rich Roll - one of my heroes and role models, who has had a great impact on me from the beginning of my journey.

Thank you Adam! He’s got good guns and a good heart - don’t forget to follow Adam’s plant powered adventures here. Sign up for his Lean & Green course, 90 Day Shred or Life Coaching here.